
What It's About

So I'm still trying to figure out what exactly I want to use this blog for but I don't exactly just want to get rid of it either.

I wanted to go over things that I do after college... But it's been 5+ years now and well... All I do is work and take care of the horses and the dog and cat. Then more work, but isn't that what the adult world is all about?

What about dieting? A lot of people do that already, but I've finally hit a bump in the road where this whole binge-eating has gotten a little ridiculous. I mean, what have I eaten since I got home... Hmm...

A small bowl of Cheerios... a giant PB&J sandwich (I mean giant)... 2 blueberry eggo waffles... and a plateful of pasta that I stuffed in my face. Before that? A coffee... And for lunch? Taco Bell. For breakfast? A cinnamon bun and another coffee... At least I drank water at work, and a few too many pieces of chocolate... with caramel and peanut butter.

Where is the girl from a few summers ago who was fit as a fiddle and felt awesome about herself all the time. Non-existent now. My show clothes don't fit... My regular clothes don't fit. My scrub pants are starting to fall down off that big donut around the middle because there's nothing to hold them up.

 There's always tomorrow right? I can make it up by then? There's always time. I feel like I said that heading into the winter. It's getting myself started that's the issue. I miss running. I miss going to the gym. I have to get that back. I mean yeah, it wasn't all too healthy the way I dropped the weight in the past but I want to do it right this time. I need to learn how to cook and what I should and shouldn't eat. It's fighting the urge for a quick fix just to get me started. But I can't do it that way... I just have to wake up one morning and finally be sick of this. Oh wait... That's been the last few months. Every morning.

As always... Maybe tomorrow.

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